產前瑜伽 | Prenatal Yoga

DIVA Yoga prenatal yoga instructors are also moms with experience of natural birth and c-section. We offer Prenatal Yoga and Fitball, Prenatal Couple Yoga, Postnatal Toning and Shape. It also provides mothers with an opportunity to actively relax, share and encourage each other, and accompany mothers through different periods.

DIVA Yoga 媽媽導師團隊陪伴你由剛成為準媽媽至產後階段,以及照顧小朋友的成長過程,擴闊媽媽之間的聯繫,讓你身為媽媽時不會感到孤單。透過瑜伽幫助孕媽媽改善孕期不適,令懷孕和生產成為一件幸福樂事;為產後媽媽盡快修復身體,有更好的體魄和精神照顧寶寶。我們提供產前產後瑜伽課堂,包括孕婦瑜伽、孕婦瑜伽球、孕婦雙人瑜伽和產後修身瑜伽,亦為媽媽們提供一個身心放鬆的機會,互相分享及鼓勵,陪伴媽媽渡過不同時期。

  • 希望孕婦能透過適量的運動和伸展,包括訓練骨盆底部肌群、特定核心肌肉和腿部肌肉,舒緩腰背痠軟和各種關節不適,以調節荷爾蒙的變化,並舒緩孕期的緊張和焦慮情緒,提高睡眠質素。同時配合呼吸練習,強化盆底肌及加強訓練分娩時的力氣。

  • 透過利用分娩球配合瑜伽基本動作,包括靠、坐、抱、趴、扶等,不但有助舒緩孕期的各種腰背不適,並能增強體力,練習過程可減輕下肢的壓力,鍛鍊盆底肌肉群,增加孕婦骨盆的力量和彈性,使身體逐漸適應妊娠和分娩的需要,能在自然分娩的時候,放鬆盆腔肌肉,減緩宮縮疼痛,尤其適合孕後期或打算順產的媽媽。

  • 此課堂為準父母提供一個舒展身心的機會,透過基礎的雙人瑜伽練習及互動,配合呼吸練習,以照顧孕婦身體為本,加強彼此與及胎兒的連繫。準爸爸學習照顧孕媽媽的需要,幫助對方紓緩成為新手媽媽的壓力和不適,並可以增進夫妻間的感情,增加準爸爸的投入程度和參與。同時,準爸爸能學習特的按摩手法,能安全地為對方按摩不適的部位,減少水腫及疼痛。


專注媽媽產前產後身心健康的瑜伽館 • 媽媽導師團隊 | 基礎新手友好 • 適合大眾的瑜伽課堂 - 關於 DIVA Yoga Studio

🤗We are also MOMS! (natural birth and c-section)

我們導師團隊同樣都是媽媽,深刻明白孕期和產後的每一份喜悅與挑戰。我們希望用「過來人」的理解與支持,陪伴每位孕媽媽用心感受這段特別的旅行。 我們的課堂不只是簡單的瑜伽動作,而是專注於孕期的身心靈平衡。從鍛煉盆底肌、增強身體靈活性、緩解不適,到幫助媽媽們放鬆心情,減輕情緒壓力,甚至為產後照顧寶寶做好準備——每一個細節都從媽媽的需求出發,安全、實用又貼心。💗

無論是孕婦瑜伽、瑜伽球還是雙人瑜伽,我們希望每堂課都能成為你的 ME Time,放下媽媽的角色,回到自己,享受那片刻的寧靜與專屬時光。🌸

🤲 我們明白「你明我、我明你」的重要,因為我們也曾經歷過懷孕、分娩和產後的轉變。這不僅是身體的旅程,更是心靈的蛻變!希望我們的課堂能成為你孕期的避風港,為你帶來力量與支持。

✨ 每一堂課都是為了讓媽媽們充滿力量與自信,迎接新生命的到來!我們期待見證每一位孕媽媽的成長與蛻變,讓我們一起擁抱這段美好的母親之旅吧!💕

DIVA Yoga Prenatal Yoga Tutors Team

🤗We are also MOMS! (natural birth and c-section)
[媽媽瑜伽導師團隊 · 豐富教學經驗 · 照顧學生身心需要]

✅Emphasis on pelvic floor health 針對骨盆底肌訓練
✅Breath work for labor preparation 順產呼吸練習
✅Nurturing community support 新手媽媽身心支援
✅Pregnancy & Postpartum transition support陪伴媽媽渡過每一個時期

加入DIVA Yoga 孕婦輕柔的動作和呼吸練習,與所有孕媽媽們一起強化身體,增強靈活性,緩解不適,平靜心靈,並與正在成長的寶寶建立連結!

  • Fay導師的孕婦瑜伽課堂節奏明快,着重力量和伸展的平衡,孕前中後期的感受和身體狀況都有不同,所需要的鍛鍊強度未必一樣,但共同之處是一樣需要鍛鍊肌力和有限度伸展,同時學習呼吸技巧,希望孕媽媽在整個孕期都能活動自如,為產後照顧寶寶做好準備。


  • Serena導師的孕婦瑜伽課堂着重放鬆身心,透過自身兩次懷孕和生產經驗,與孕媽媽分享各種點滴,從心靈到身體陪伴媽媽,針對孕期身體的變化伸展和鍛鍊肌肉,改善日常姿勢以舒緩孕期不適,學習呼吸技巧並加強媽媽與寶寶之間的連繫,享受懷孕過程。


  • Rachel 導師的孕婦瑜伽課堂着重透過靜心來增強對身體的覺知,幫助懷孕媽媽在安全的環境中放鬆身心。以緩慢的節奏伸展身體,引導她們與寶寶建立連結,享受這段美好的孕育旅程。


  • Jennifer 導師的孕婦瑜伽課堂重”Mobility“,希望全方位活化關節的靈活度,包括少許力量訓練,盡量以”Active Flexibility“原則強化孕婦隨着身體負重越來越高所需要的肌力及關節穩定度。


1:1 Private Prenatal Yoga

$700 / Class
$2,600 / 4 Classes (*Package is only valid during pregnancy.)

Enjoy an EXTRA 15% OFF until 31 Oct 24!

- Emphasis on pelvic floor health 針對骨盆底肌訓練
- Breath work for labor preparation 順產呼吸練習
- Nurturing community support 新手媽媽身心支援
- Pregnancy & Postpartum transition support陪伴媽媽渡過每一個時期

Class content is tailored based on the students physical condition and gestational week, including Prenatal flow, Fitball, Pelvic floor muscle training, Breathing exercises, Massage and Meditation.


𝟵𝟬-𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗘𝘅𝗰𝗹𝘂𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲:𝟭:𝟭 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗬𝗼𝗴𝗮 𝘅 𝗛𝗼𝘁 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗽𝘆


一對一孕婦瑜伽 x 熱石孕婦按摩

$900 / one

-DIVA Yoga students can enjoy 5% OFF.
-Enjoy an EXTRA 15% OFF until 31 Oct 24!

DIVA Yoga offers a special 90-minute experience designed exclusively for expectant mothers, combining one-on-one prenatal yoga with hot stone prenatal massage, allowing you to feel unprecedented comfort and relaxation during this journey.

懷孕是一段美麗而獨特的旅程,作為媽媽的我們深知孕期帶來的不同感受。DIVA Yoga 專為準媽媽們設計了一個獨特的90分鐘體驗,結合一對一的孕婦瑜伽和熱石孕婦按摩,讓你在這段孕期旅程中感受到前所未有的舒適與放鬆!


  • Professional Guidance 專業導師指導

    With expertise in acupressure techniques and prenatal care, our prenatal yoga tutor, also a certified prenatal and postnatal massage therapist, will provide one-on-one guidance tailored to your needs.


  • One-on-One Prenatal Yoga 一對一孕婦瑜伽

    It will be tailored to your physical condition and pregnancy stage, including pelvic floor muscle training, breathing exercises for natural delivery, and yoga poses that stretch and strengthen, with usage of a fitball, blocks, and straps.


  • Hot Stone Massage 熱石按摩的療癒力量

    Heated stones are placed on acupoints to relax deep muscles and boost blood circulation. Combined with massage techniques, this helps improve metabolism, cleanse the lymphatic system, and expel toxins. The massage reduces muscle soreness, tension, and edema, while relieving stress and aiding sleep.


  • Support for new moms 新手媽媽身心支援

    Prenatal yoga helps strengthen core muscles and enhance flexibility with effective breathing techniques, while hot stone massage provides overall relaxation, nurturing your mind, body, and spirit.


We offer Prenatal Yoga and Fitball, Prenatal Couple Yoga, Postnatal Toning and Shape.我們提供產前產後瑜伽課堂,包括孕婦瑜伽、孕婦瑜伽球、孕婦雙人瑜伽和產後修身瑜伽

Prenatal Yoga Trial Combo $320

Prenatal Yoga Trial Combo $320

First Trial Combo 首次孕婦瑜伽試堂 $320 / 2 Classes
(Prenatal Yoga 孕婦瑜伽 + Fitball 孕婦瑜伽球)
*Valid for 2 weeks 兩星期有效期

Enjoy one-time 5% OFF discount upon purchase any of our single packages within ONE week after the prenatal trial class!


Prenatal Yoga FAQs

  • 雖然坊間大家都說,孕媽媽12週後就可以做瑜伽,不過因為每位的身體情況都不同,孕初期最重要的是休息和安胎,例如有些孕媽媽會出現嚴重孕吐。我們studio老師(同樣為媽媽)比較建議學生「陀穩」及大約14-16週左右才過來開始上堂!並且已經徵詢醫生同意,沒有任何頭暈、出血情況先可以!

    While it's commonly said that pregnant women can start practising yoga after 12 weeks, every woman's body is different. The early stages of pregnancy are crucial for rest and ensuring the baby's well-being. Some expectant mothers, for instance, may experience severe morning sickness.

    Our studio instructors (who are also mothers themselves) generally recommend that students wait until their pregnancy is more stable, typically around 14-16 weeks, before starting classes with us. It's also important that you've consulted with your doctor and received their approval. Please make sure you're not experiencing any dizziness or bleeding before joining us.

    We're here to support you on your journey to motherhood, and we want to ensure you and your baby are safe and comfortable. When you're ready, we'll be delighted to welcome you to our yoga family! 😊😊

  • 一般來說孕媽媽在孕期間,特別孕後期都可以活動自如,有恆常運動習慣 (已在DIVA Yoga上堂一段時間),或沒有頭暈、恥骨劇痛,或任何身體不適,並且醫生沒有建議停止運動的情況下,基本上只要孕媽媽了解自己身體狀況,就能繼續上堂直至產子。以過往學生經驗來說,有大部分孕媽媽上堂直至36至38週左右。


    Generally speaking, expectant mothers who remain active throughout their pregnancy, especially in the later stages, with regular exercise (such as been attending DIVA Yoga prenatal classes for some time) and aren't experiencing dizziness, severe pubic pain, or any other physical discomfort, it's usually fine to continue with our yoga classes toward the end of your pregnancy. As long as your doctor hasn't advised against it, and you're in tune with your body's needs, you can typically continue attending classes right up until you give birth.

    From our experience with past students, many expectant mothers continue their yoga practice until about 36 to 38 weeks into their pregnancy. This, of course, varies from person to person.

    For those planning a natural birth, you may also apply the breathing techniques and exercises you've learned in class at home or in the maternity room to help manage pain and potentially even shorten the duration of labor.

    Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and it's important to listen to your body and consult with your doctor. We're here to support you throughout your pregnancy journey, helping you stay healthy, comfortable, and prepared for the beautiful experience of motherhood. Your well-being and that of your baby are our top priorities!

  • 瑜伽球Fitball (或分娩球birthball)作為一種輔助工具,配合瑜伽基本動作,包括靠、坐、抱、趴、扶等,亦有好多動作有助縮短產程,增加孕婦骨盆的力量和彈性,使身體逐漸適應妊娠和分娩的需要,能在自然分娩的時候,放鬆盆腔肌肉,減緩宮縮疼痛。



    Fitball is a wonderful tool that complements basic yoga poses. It can be used for leaning, sitting, hugging, lying, and supporting. Many exercises with the Fitball can help shorten labor, increase the strength and flexibility of the pelvic area, and gradually prepare your body for pregnancy and childbirth. During natural birth, these exercises can help relax pelvic muscles and ease contraction pain.

    Don't worry if you're planning a C-section – our instructors tailor the exercises to each mom-to-be's unique situation. For instance, many Fitball exercises can help alleviate various back discomforts during pregnancy. Some people even use the Fitball for post-pregnancy weight loss! 😊

    Compared to regular prenatal yoga, Fitball exercises can more specifically target lower body muscles like thighs and glutes, as well as pelvic floor muscles. You can do more strength-based movements and boost your stamina too.

    So, you can actually join Fitball classes throughout your pregnancy. In the later stages, when some moms find it harder to sit on the floor or move around, Fitball exercises might actually be a bit easier to manage 🤏. Of course, our instructors always adjust the class based on the needs and stages of pregnancy of the moms attending.

  • 我們最多6位孕媽媽一班,平均每星期提供約16堂孕婦瑜伽及孕婦瑜伽球課堂,星期一至星期六早午晚均設,Studio雖細小但內有更衣室和內廁,位於佐敦地鐵站C2出口步行2分鐘,或柯士甸站F出口步行4分鐘,方便每一位孕媽媽。

    We welcome up to 6 expectant mothers per class. Each week, we offer around 16 classes of prenatal yoga and prenatal fitball classes, available from Monday to Saturday, morning, afternoon, and evening. Our studio is cosy, featuring a changing room and a restroom for your convenience. We're located just a 2-minute walk from Exit C2 of Jordan MTR Station or a 4-minute walk from Exit F of Austin Station, making it easy for every expectant mother to join us.

  • 我們目前5位負責任教孕婦瑜伽堂的導師均為媽媽,曾經歷順產或(和)開刀分娩,教學經驗豐富,或許有着「過來人」經驗,課堂動作以基礎和針對孕婦為首要。


    Currently, all five of our dedicated prenatal yoga instructors are mothers ourselves, having experienced both natural and c-section deliveries with rich teaching experience. Our classes focus on foundational movements specifically designed for expectant mothers.

    In addition to guiding you through safe prenatal yoga poses, pelvic floor exercises, and breathing techniques, we prioritise the overall well-being of each expectant mother. We strive to offer support and encouragement beyond class time, helping you mentally prepare for postpartum life and caring for your newborn. 😇

    Of course, each instructor has our own unique style and pace. Whether you’re looking to stretch, build strength, or learn breathing techniques, you’ll find an instructor who resonates with you!

  • 所有孕婦瑜伽及孕婦瑜伽球課堂只有*孕媽媽*本人能上堂,夫婦二人可以考慮參加每月定期逢星期日舉行的「孕婦雙人瑜伽班 Prenatal Couple Yoga」,目前最多4對夫婦一班。


    另外,若果日期時間不合適,大家亦可以考慮「一對一私人孕婦瑜伽 Private Prenatal Yoga」。詳情及價錢可以向我們查詢。

    For all prenatal yoga and prenatal fitball classes, only the expectant mothers themselves can attend. However, couples are welcome to join our Prenatal Couple Yoga class, held every Sunday, with a maximum of 4 couples per class.

    This class offers expectant parents a wonderful opportunity to relax and connect. Through basic partner yoga practices and interactive breathing exercises, you’ll focus on caring for the expectant mother’s body while strengthening the bond with each other and your baby. Expectant fathers will learn how to support their partners, helping to alleviate the pressures and discomforts of becoming a new mom, while also enhancing the couple's relationship and increasing the father's involvement.

    Additionally, expectant fathers will learn safe massage techniques to help relieve discomfort and reduce swelling and pain for their partners.

    If the scheduled dates and times don’t work for you, you might also consider our 'Private Prenatal Yoga' class. Please feel free to reach out for more details and pricing!

  • 雖然孕婦瑜伽不能保證100%順產,但能讓孕媽媽更有準備和自信,例如呼吸技巧幫助在分娩時管理疼痛,保持鎮定;增强力量和耐力,有助縮短產程。


    While prenatal yoga cannot ensure a 100% natural delivery, it can help expectant mothers feel more prepared and confident. Techniques like breathing exercises can assist in managing pain during labor and help keep you calm. Additionally, building strength and endurance can contribute to a shorter labor.

    It's important to remember that, despite our best efforts, the goal of practising prenatal yoga isn’t to guarantee a natural or quick delivery. Sometimes, circumstances may arise that necessitate a c-section. If that happens, don’t feel discouraged; the most important thing is the health and safety of both mother and baby!

    Starting prenatal yoga during pregnancy is all about helping mothers and babies be healthier. It can aid in managing stress, maintaining strength, and preparing you to welcome your little one—regardless of the delivery method! 💕🙂

Prenatal Yoga Reviews


Our Prenatal Yoga classes, including pelvic floor muscles training exercises and breath work for labor preparation, can help for controling your natural birth process.

< 𝗕𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 & 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 & 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗵>

DIVA represents “𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗺, 𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗵.” The idea of DIVA Yoga Studio is to provide everyone with a comfortable, safe, and relaxing space, where yoga helps to balance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. We aim to help people find inner peace, awaken their inner beauty, and feel charm and confidence. Join us on this yoga journey and embrace your true self!

DIVA代表著「魅力、優雅和力量」,DIVA Yoga Studio 的理念是希望為大家提供一個舒適、安全和放鬆身心的空間,通過瑜伽幫助大家平衡身心靈健康,找到內心的平靜,喚醒內在美麗,盡顯魅力和自信!

✓ Small class 小班教學、著重熱身和基本功
✓ Beginner friendly 基礎和新手友好
✓ Taking care of yourself 照顧自己的身心靈
✓ Your own lifestyle 舒服自在的生活方式

Book Now 立即報名或預約試堂

We offer different yoga class time options and a variety of class packages. If you have any inquiries about classes,
please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp to sign up or make an appointment for a trial class.

DIVA Yoga 提供不同瑜伽課堂時間選擇,及多種課堂套票,如有任何關於課程的查詢,