擁抱瑜伽的力量,享受快樂和自信的母親之旅!Enjoy your motherhood journey!

Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Reviews


專注媽媽產前產後身心健康的瑜伽館 • 媽媽導師團隊 | 基礎新手友好 • 適合大眾的瑜伽課堂 - 關於 DIVA Yoga Studio

🤗We are also MOMS! (natural birth and c-section)

我們導師團隊同樣都是媽媽,深刻明白孕期和產後的每一份喜悅與挑戰。我們希望用「過來人」的理解與支持,陪伴每位孕媽媽用心感受這段特別的旅行。 我們的課堂不只是簡單的瑜伽動作,而是專注於孕期的身心靈平衡。從鍛煉盆底肌、增強身體靈活性、緩解不適,到幫助媽媽們放鬆心情,減輕情緒壓力,甚至為產後照顧寶寶做好準備——每一個細節都從媽媽的需求出發,安全、實用又貼心。💗

無論是孕婦瑜伽、瑜伽球還是雙人瑜伽,我們希望每堂課都能成為你的 ME Time,放下媽媽的角色,回到自己,享受那片刻的寧靜與專屬時光。🌸

🤲 我們明白「你明我、我明你」的重要,因為我們也曾經歷過懷孕、分娩和產後的轉變。這不僅是身體的旅程,更是心靈的蛻變!希望我們的課堂能成為你孕期的避風港,為你帶來力量與支持。

✨ 每一堂課都是為了讓媽媽們充滿力量與自信,迎接新生命的到來!我們期待見證每一位孕媽媽的成長與蛻變,讓我們一起擁抱這段美好的母親之旅吧!💕

Prenatal Yoga in Hong Kong

Pregnancy & Postpartum transition support


— Student’s Review

孕婦瑜伽系列課堂,包括針對骨盆底肌訓練和順產呼吸練習,能幫助縮短產程和順產!  Our Prenatal Yoga classes, including pelvic floor muscles training exercises and breath work for labor preparation, can help for controling your natural  birth process.


Our Prenatal Yoga classes, including pelvic floor muscles training exercises and breath work for labor preparation, can help to control your natural birth process.

— Student’s review

孕婦瑜伽系列課堂,包括針對骨盆底肌訓練和順產呼吸練習,能幫助縮短產程和順產!  Our Prenatal Yoga classes, including pelvic floor muscles training exercises and breath work for labor preparation, can help for controling your natural  birth process.


Modifying poses and movements to accommodate the changes in the body during each trimester. Strengthening the back, hips, and leg muscles to support the growing baby and alleviate discomfort. Gentle stretching to improve flexibility and relieve physical tension.

— Tutor Fay Reviews

孕婦瑜伽系列課堂,包括針對骨盆底肌訓練和順產呼吸練習,能幫助縮短產程和順產!  Our Prenatal Yoga classes, including pelvic floor muscles training exercises and breath work for labor preparation, can help for controling your natural  birth process.


Prenatal yoga with massage therapy, such as prenatal couple yoga classes, helps to relieve body tension and relax.

— Tutor Serena Reviews

We offer Prenatal Yoga and Fitball, Prenatal Couple Yoga, Postnatal Toning and Shape.我們提供產前產後瑜伽課堂,包括孕婦瑜伽、孕婦瑜伽球、孕婦雙人瑜伽和產後修身瑜伽

Prenatal Yoga Trial Combo $320

Prenatal Yoga Trial Combo $320

First Trial Combo 首次孕婦瑜伽試堂 $320 / 2 Classes
(Prenatal Yoga 孕婦瑜伽 + Fitball 孕婦瑜伽球)
*Valid for 2 weeks 兩星期有效期

Enjoy a one-time 5% discount on the purchase of any single package within one week after your trial!


Book Now 立即報名或預約試堂

We offer different yoga class time options and a variety of class packages. If you have any inquiries about classes,
please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp to sign up or make an appointment for a trial class.

DIVA Yoga 提供不同瑜伽課堂時間選擇,及多種課堂套票,如有任何關於課程的查詢,